
Aloha, I am Melissa Gayle, I am not a writer.  I hated writing but, I have always kept journals about my travels, day to day lists of funnies to keep my spirit alive and well.  I am mid-Atlantic girl although my spirit is full of west coast living.  When I turned 18, I hopped on a plane and moved to Hawaii. After a couple of years, my parents told me the party is over.  Needless to say I hopped back on a plane and moved back east.  While my stint in Hawaii was short lived my heart never left. My family and I try to get back to the west coast as often as we can.

I have two beautiful daughters Delilah and Lucy.  They are my life and have given me so much joy in addition to, a few gray hairs (who am I kidding, I have my hair dresser on speed dial).  After a failed marriage, years ago I found one amazing ride or die husband. Clint and I have been married for over ten years. In short, I am a business lady by day, mom 24/7 and Runner by choice.


Over the years, I have had people come to me asking how I have managed to keep centered and manage being a working mom.  By no means do I think I am Wonder Woman but boy, I sure try.  My goal for The House of Hazel is to inspire and bring humor to your everyday life.  Sit back, grab a cup of coffee ( or latte, my personal fav) and prepare to be entertained.


Melissa Gayle

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